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In-Person Classes

Prenatal breastfeeding education sometimes feels like one more thing to do, but given that you breastfeed for 6-8 hours a day for the first few weeks, this will be one of the most tangibly helpful things you do now to prepare for baby later.

Prenatal breastfeeding education is beneficial because: 


it increases breastfeeding success and decreases nipple damage at 3 days postpartum (Gao et al., 2022)


it increases duration of breastfeeding (Reifsnider, E., & Elkhart, D., 1997)


it provides appropriate knowledge and skills to increase mothers’ self-efficacy in breastfeeding and increases breastfeeding duration (Chezem et al., 2003)


it improves exclusive breastfeeding rates at 4 months postpartum (Froozani et al., 1999)


antenatal breastfeeding education combined with postpartum support increases breastfeeding prevalence (Fairbank et al., 2000)


breastfeeding duration is longer as the maternal self-efficacy increases after antenatal education (Jeni et al., 2009)

In-Person Breastfeeding Classes

I offer a variety of breastfeeding classes for Omaha and Washington County parents! We cover the basics of how milk is made, the fundamentals of a good latch, what to expect in the fourth trimester in terms of breastfeeding and your own recovery, pumping and going back to work, bottle feeding, and more*! I have been a lactation consultant since 2015, teaching in-person breastfeeding classes since 2020, and I can't wait to bring this new curriculum to our community.




Omaha Classes


Will be held at Moon Hollow Coffee's conference room in Bennington: 5102 North 156th St. Omaha, NE from 9am-noon:

June 16, 2024
July 20, 2024
September 7, 2024
November 9, 2024


Blair Classes


Text Therese at (402) 740-2646 to register for these classes. They are held in the Scooter's conference room from 5:30-7:30pm:

May 8, 2024
August 7, 2024
November 8, 2024


Concierge In-home Classes


Have an HDMI hookup on your TV and want to learn in the comfort of your own home with a few friends? Limited dates available! Text or email to schedule.



*This is a 2 hour in-person modified version of my online breastfeeding and postpartum course, which is a 5 hour self-led online course. The in-person class focuses on the first 12 weeks of your breastfeeding journey, which will be most immediately applicable.

Pink Sugar


(402) 740-2646


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